Jammies & Jingles
We have teamed up with Altrol Heating & Cooling, The Pump House Restaurant and The Turtle to collect Jammies for kids and adults 10-21 that need them through the local SOAP program. ( street outreach & advocacy program)
They are in need of Jammies! Next time you are in Fred Meyer, Walmart or online pick up some extra jammies and drop them off at Altrol Heating & Cooling or The Pumphouse or The Turtle Club or all three. New jammies please
For each pair you drop off you get entry to win a Grand Prize package worth hundreds if dollars. And best of we have a Grand prize package at each location
Altrol Heating and Cooling is giving away a Full service tune up and cleaning.
Pump House– Swag and Gift cards
Turtle Club– Swag and gift cards- to their location and from many other supporting businesses in Fairbanks. Multiple prizes to be given away.
Last day to drop off jammies and get entered is December 18th.
Winner for each location will be notified on December 19th
Jammies, always making you feel warm and loved.